“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.Sylvia Plath


  • A Successful Woman… an ordinary woman who launched a small business and succeeding as a successful woman entrepreneur.
  • A Successful Woman… rise above every challenge!
  • A Successful Woman… is a high achiever who has excelled professionally while also maintaining a family life and contributions to the community.
  • A Successful Woman… is devoted to supporting, celebrating and highlighting the success of other women.
  • A Successful Woman… is humble and thankful for all that she’s been given and the desire to serve others naturally follows.
  • A Successful Woman… share her industry tips and time to help other women who might be struggling in specific areas.
  • Thank you Successful Woman!

As successful women, we have the ability to create our own success; craft the life we want; to live our own authentic purpose and passion as well as use it all to be our guide. We also have a responsibility to mentor and provide resources to other women who venture into entrepreneurship.

Are you a successful woman entrepreneur? 

Have you been in business two years or more?  If you would like to be profiled and featured on our ‘very popular’ blog, please submit the following information:

  • A brief bio introducing yourself and your business (First person)
  • A brief paragraph stating what success means to you, i.e., ‘Success is…’
  • A brief paragraph stating how you create work/life balance, i.e., ‘I balance my work/life by.,
  • A brief paragraph stating how you give back to the community, i.e., ‘I give back by…’
  • What steps do you think are necessary for an entrepreneur who wants to move her business to the next level?
  • What challenges and opportunities do you see in the present economic environment?
  • How do you promote/market your business?
  • What books and resources would you recommend to other women in business?
  • What advice do you have for women who are just starting out?
  • How do you stay connected in mind body and spirit?
  • What is your favorite quote to live by?
  • What is your power word? Why this word?
  • Two industry or general business related tips that could help other women business owners.
  • You are welcome to add 1 to 2 additional questions specific to your industry.

Above Interview Questions in Word Document. Download & Use This Form: click here

Please provide the following: 

  • Your picture submitted in jpeg.
  • Links to your website, social media sites, email address and phone number.
  • All information must be complete and submitted by the 25th of each month.
  • Please spell check your work.  We reserve the right to make minor revisions.

In the subject line of your email, please add: Successful Woman Speak submission

Please submit to  We cannot guarantee your profile will be selected due to limited space.

“Reading articles by my cousin Jeannie Armstrong about Mental Health has really helped me in the Black Women United Inc group. I can’t thank you enough for sharing your insight and Sylvia Browder for creating an amazing space to grow and glow…. Love you two 💚😘”  Carita K.